Financial Freedom Through Passive Apartment Investing


Who are we?

Roberto and Jennifer Sebastian

Roberto & Jennifer Sebastian

Real Estate Investors / Syndicators

Roberto and Jennifer Sebastian started with their real estate investments since the 1990s. Jennifer and her family owned and operated six residential assisted living properties which served 30 residents in Las Vegas, Nevada. Roberto and Jennifer are part owners of a commercial medical office in Mesa, Arizona since 2016. They are co-general partners in a 235-unit apartment complex in Houston, TX. They are investing in multifamily and self-storage properties in Arizona, Texas, South Carolina and Florida since June 2019 totaling more than 1900 doors. Both are Brad Sumrok Personal Mentoring and Millionaire Mastermind members. They are the co-founders of the Arizona Multifamily Investing Network, where It provides a place where people can network, establish partnerships and learn how to invest actively and passively in multifamily apartments.

Roberto is a general and forensic psychiatrist practicing in Arizona. He received his training at Harvard South Shore Psychiatry Program in Boston, MA and University of Rochester in New York.

Jennifer earned her Bachelor of Liberal Studies in Interdisciplinary Studies in Boston University. She is an active member of the Toastmasters Club for the past 8 years. She is the current Toastmaster Club Coach for the state of Arizona, where she is responsible for providing education, and training to members to be effective and Successful public speakers.


Ready To Get Started?

R & J Sebastian Multifamily

A rеаl еѕtаtе invеѕtment аnd рrореrtу mаnаgеmеnt соmраnу with a fосuѕ оn U.S. multifаmilу араrtmеntѕ

Contact Us

Mailing Address: Gilbert, Phoenix AZ 85297

Phone: (602) 200-4102